Twin Views Communal Garden

About this project

The Twin Views Communal Garden is a community project located on three un-used tennis courts in Dover. In summer of 2015, we assisted in the first Depave Project in Calgary, with the leadership of Green Calgary. A 1,850 square foot area of asphalt was transformed into a perennial ecosystem that will repair and build soil, provide habitat for beneficial pollinators and birds, and provide a lovely natural refuge for community members to enjoy.

The depaved area has 26 trees and shrubs and over 300 herbaceous perennials. Species of trees and shrubs include mountain ash, paper birch, a non-fruiting plum, hawthorne, caragana, russet buffaloberry, wolf willow, dogwood, and more. The herbaceous perennials are grouped into plant community guilds and will have flowering plants from May to October. Some herbaceous species include purple aster, comfrey, columbine, anise hyssop, yarrow, lupine, daylily, black-eyed susan, silverweed, groundplum milkvetch, and many more!

Date:  January 5, 2016

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